Preventing Athlete’s Foot in Tucson: Foot Care Practices and the Need for Professional Care

tucson podiatrist

Athlete’s foot is a stubborn fungal infection that tends to return even following successful treatment. However, the right foot care practices and treatment from a Tucson podiatrist can prevent the recurrence of an athlete’s foot. The fungus that causes athlete’s foot thrives in warm, damp environments such as public showers and shoes. Even if it has been treated, the fungus can stay in your footwear and cause reinfection when not managed properly. To prevent recurrence, it is important to understand the nature of such infection. Below are tips to avoid recurring athlete’s foot:

Keep Your Feet Dry

Fungi love moist environments, so excess moisture must be removed. Dry your feet thoroughly following washing, particularly the spaces between the toes. To absorb remaining moisture, use an antifungal powder and a clean towel. 

Use the Right Footwear

Your footwear should be made of breathable materials as they don’t trap moisture. To ensure your shoes dry out fully, alternate them every day between wears. If possible, wear open-toed sandals or go barefoot at home to keep your feet ventilated. 

Use Antifungal Products

Once you have completed treatment for athlete’s foot, use antifungal products continuously. Antifungal powders, creams, and sprays can mitigate fungal growth. By using these products regularly, you can end the fungus. 

Practice Good Hygiene

Good hygiene includes washing and thoroughly drying your feet. This minimizes the risk of athlete’s foot development. Ensure you change socks every day and pick those that eliminate moisture from your skin. Do not share towels, socks, or shoes with other people to minimize the risk of infection. 

Trim Your Toenails Regularly

Long toenails can house fungi and allow an athlete’s foot to recur. Ensure the nail clippers you use are sanitized. Also, your nails should be trimmed straight across, so ingrown toenails won’t develop. 

Seek Professional Advice

If you experience recurring athlete’s foot or other foot conditions, seek advice from a podiatrist. This medical specialist can offer you personalized recommendations and treatment. Also, they can identify any underlying issue that may contribute to your foot issues. The treatment plan they will develop can help you avoid complications. 

Boost Your Immune System

Sometimes, boosting your immune system can be impossible, particularly because of chemotherapy or an organ transplant. However, if you are healthy, find ways to provide your body with more vitamins and antioxidants through your diet to boost its capacity to combat infections. 

Some conditions such as diabetes can increase your susceptibility to foot issues. If any underlying health problems are contributing to these issues, discuss them with your doctor and take precautions. 

Know When to Visit a Podiatrist

Although preventative care prevents Athlete’s foot, this condition may persist no matter your efforts. When this happens, you should schedule an appointment with a podiatrist. This medical expert can offer prescription-strength treatments, identify contributing factors for your athlete’s foot, and create a personalized preventive plan. 

Take Your Treatment Seriously

Preventing the recurrence of athlete’s foot begins with having the right medical tools. You must stay proactive even if the symptoms have disappeared. Continue treatment even if the itching has disappeared. Use an over-the-counter antifungal powder or cream for a minimum of two weeks following the disappearance of symptoms. Also, these products should be used in your shoes and socks to prevent athlete’s foot from recurring. This is particularly essential if you have sweaty feet or perform activities that keep the feet enclosed for a long time. 

Protect Your Feet When in Public Spaces

Whether you are in public pools, showers, or locker rooms, never go barefoot. To minimize the risk of getting athlete’s foot, wear water shoes or flip-flops when in these areas. 

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