Outsmart Dirty Sales Tactics When Purchasing Windows

When Purchasing Windows

When it comes to purchasing new windows for your home, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the myriad of choices, prices, and, unfortunately, the high-pressure sales tactics used by some companies to try and get a better rate or go back on previous promises. For every professional local window installer, there are still a good number of tradesmen working in bad faith or simply using outdated sales tactics. Knowing how to navigate these tactics is essential for ensuring you make a well-informed decision that best suits your needs and budget.

1.  The High-Pressure Sales Pitch

 One of the most common tactics in the window sales industry is the high-pressure sales pitch. Salespeople may try to rush you into making a decision by claiming that the “special price” they’re offering is only available for a limited time. They may even push for an immediate commitment, suggesting that prices will go up if you delay. This is often during the quote or consultation phase and can be a shady way of pushing you over the line before you can check other options.

How to Outsmart It:

 Take Your Time: Don’t feel pressured to make an on-the-spot A reputable company will understand that this is a significant investment and will allow you time to think it over.

  • Research and Compare: Before committing to any purchase, get multiple quotes from different This gives you a better idea of the market rate and helps you spot exaggerated claims of discounts.
  • Ask for the Offer in Writing: If a deal is genuinely good, the salesperson should be willing to put it in writing and honour it for a reasonable period. If they need immediate commitment, it’s likely a bad

2.  Bait-and-Switch Tactics

 Some salespeople may advertise low prices on specific window models to lure you in, only to later claim that those models are no longer available or not suitable for your home. They then try to upsell you on more expensive options, which may also be offered at a ‘special discount’.

How to Outsmart It:

 Stick to Your Budget: Be clear about your budget from the start and don’t be swayed by claims that you need more expensive

  • Demand Transparency: If a model is suddenly unavailable, ask why and request to see similar models within your price
  • Document Everything: Keep records of the models and prices initially This will give you leverage if they try to switch things up later. Asking for a written quote can also help to avoid any misunderstandings down the road.

3.  Misleading Energy Efficiency Claims

Sustainability and windows with high energy efficiency ratings are a big selling point in the current market where climate change and rising energy bills are key concerns for most buyers. Therefore, it is not uncommon for some companies to exaggerate the potential savings to justify higher prices. They may present inflated figures about how much you’ll save on your energy bills, making the more expensive windows seem like a better deal than they are.

How to Outsmart It:

 Educate Yourself on Ratings: Familiarise yourself with the different energy efficiency ratings, such as U-values and Solar Heat Gain Coefficients (SHGC). This knowledge will help you assess whether the price is justified by the

  • Consult a Third-Party Expert: Consider having an independent energy audit performed to get a realistic estimate of potential
  • Compare with Your Current Windows: Ask for a comparison between the proposed windows and your existing ones to see if the difference in efficiency is worth the

4.  Overcomplicating the Installation Process

 Some companies may try to convince you that window installation is a highly complex process that only their “experts” can handle. They might use technical jargon to make the process seem more difficult than it is, justifying higher installation fees. This is more likely if you live in a particularly old building or one with difficult access points, where extra labour costs are expected.

How to Outsmart It:

 Get Multiple Installation Quotes: Don’t rely on just one Get quotes from other professionals to see if the complexity and cost are being exaggerated.

  • Ask for a Breakdown: Request a detailed breakdown of the installation This can help you identify any unnecessary charges.
  • Check Reviews and References: Look at reviews and ask for references to ensure the company’s installation process is as professional as they

5.  Limited-Time Offers and Phoney Discounts

 “Limited-time offers” and phoney discounts are often used to create a false sense of urgency, pushing you to buy before you’ve had time to properly assess the offer. These deals might not actually save you money and can lead to hasty decisions that you regret later. New year savings and black Friday deals are now fairly common and these can be exploited to present the idea of a saving when really they are charging you a typical, or inflated, rate.

How to Outsmart It:

 Ignore the Pressure: A legitimate company will not need to rely on scare tactics to make a Take your time to evaluate the offer, even if it means missing out on a so-called “discount.”

  • Do the Math: Calculate the total cost of the windows and installation after the Sometimes, the “discounted” price is still higher than what competitors offer without any discount. This is why it’s always worth getting a wide range of quotes.

Purchasing new windows is a significant investment, and it’s important to make your decision based on facts, not fear. Thankfully in the current age, there is likely a wide selection of window installation companies available no matter where you are and with trade comparison sites and local Google search, it’s never been easier to find local tradesmen with proven expertise and reputation. With a little bit of research and a willingness to try multiple different options, you can find an affordable and professional window company near you.

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